The 7th (Crown) Chakra connects us to a higher state of consciousness and self-knowledge encouraging us to reach our higher self. While our energy is reaching upward, higher wisdom flows downward, nourishing our spiritual growth.
While our blooming crown connects above, we must remain rooted below so that we are able to absorb this food for the soul throughout our whole being. When we are disconnected at this chakra, we can experience false illusions and attachments leaving our spirits with a sense of emptiness. When we are consciously connected to higher wisdom, we are able to transcend from living in the ordinary to a sense of the extraordinary.
This synergy is called Higher Connection and is made with the 100% pure, undiluted essential oils and extracts of Orange Blood, Frankincense Carteri C02, Petitgrain, and Neroli. It has a warm, shimmering, and radiant heady scent gently wreathing the senses in its bloom.
Inhalation: Add to a personal inhaler, a drop or two to a tissue wafted away from the nose, or in a diffuser.
Topical Application: Dilute to 1% in Jojoba Carrier Oil or your favorite Plant Therapy Carrier Oil. Anoint area of the chakra by gently touching or massaging in a clockwise direction.
ontains 100% pure, undiluted essential oils and extracts of Orange Blood, Frankincense Carteri C02, Petitgrain, and Neroli.
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